Upon nomination of the Federal Prime Minister, the Life President appointed George Oprea as the new Praesus of the Supreme Court of the Federal Republic (Supreme Judge).
According to Article LXVIX of the Constitution of Lostisland, the Supreme Court shall consist of a maximum of 5 judges. Duties of the Court include considering, upon requests of the authorities, the cases of correspondence of treaties, laws and normative acts to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Lostisland, as well as resolving the disputes of jurisdiction between the federal bodies of state authority. The Supreme Court is also entitled to give interpretations to the Constitution of Lostisland.
His Justice George Oprea is the first person to take this position, for the previous Supreme Judge Jaroslaw Andrziewski was appointed prior to the establishment of the Supreme Court and adoption of the new Constitution. It is also the first time the responsibilities of the Supreme Judge are constitutionally specified.
As per the Article LXVI, the judges are required to be citizens of Lostisland aged 18 and more. The judges submit only to the Constitution and to the federal laws.