President Yaroslav Mar signed a Decree appointing Jyoti Sawhney the Ambassador of Lostisland to the Republic of India, succeeding Ambassador Abhishek Thakkar who was dismissed on 3 August.
H.E. Jyoti Sawhney is an Indian businesswoman resident in New Delhi. The Ambassadors of Lostisland are the highest officials representing Lostisland in a particular country, responsible for speaking on behalf of the Lostislandic Government, coordinating the activities of resident Lostislandic citizens, and establishing a dialogue with local authorities and organizations. The Lostislandic diplomatic service underwent a major overhaul in September 2020, dubbed “Defenestration of 2020” by Ian Siapno, the Ambassador to the Philippines, in which half of the Ambassadors were dismissed following failure to pass the recertification. Abhishek Thakkar is the fifth Ambassador to be appointed after the overhaul.
India is home to the third-largest Lostislandic diaspora, after Russia and the United States, and has 37 Lostislandic citizens as of August 2021, making the office of the Ambassador to India one of the most important ones in the Lostislandic diplomatic service.
Lostislandic citizens who are over 18, hold a high school degree, are not members of other new nation projects (micronations), and have never relinquished Lostislandic citizenship in the past may request to be appointed Ambassadors by filling in the application form.