The Federal Republic of Lostisland maintains her foreign relations through a number of Consulates — unaccredited Lostislandic diplomatic institutions scattered around the world, dedicated to promote Lostisland in their respective countries and subordinate to the Foreign Minister Ilian Kostov, responsible for contacts with foreign countries and new nation projects
June 2013 saw the implementation of an Online Application Form which allowed to systematize the required information and facilitated work for the Foreign Ministry. However, though it was originally expected that each request will be taking no more than two weeks to be processed and answered, unforeseen increase of diplomatic requests immediately started causing significant delays.
The situation got even more complicated in the beginning of 2014, when Irina Sopas, the Federal Prime Minister and of the officials in charge of deciding on diplomatic relations, moved to another country. Now with limited Internet access, in particularly to Facebook, the Federal Prime Minister is unavailable for as regular contact as previously, what inevitably leaded to further delays in processing the applications. Foreign Minister Ilian Kostov, while committed to process the requests in the shortest of possible, too has temporary problems with maintaining regular contact because of complicated work schedule.
Altogether, lack of sufficient interaction between government members, together with other issues requiring urgent governmental attention, such as the Parliamentary Election, resulted in a queue of pending diplomatic requests that have been submitted but not reviewed by the Ministry, or started to be reviewed but had to be postponed. Nonetheless, the Federal Government reaffirms its commitment to sort the queue out, finalize the process of establishing diplomatic relations in cases where preliminary agreement was already issued and give proper response to pending requests before the end of June. For international matters that require urgent attention, individuals and foreign governments’ representatives are expected to contact the Presidency or Foreign Ministry. Meanwhile, the Federal Government apologizes for any caused inconvenience.