During the General Assembly’s annual high-level commemoration of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, speakers stressed the urgent need to eliminate weapons of mass destruction. With the catastrophic threat of nuclear arsenals looming over humanity, preventing their use and the potential Armageddon they could unleash is paramount.
The UN General Assembly held a high-level event to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, on 26 September 2023, per resolution 72/251.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized the importance of consigning nuclear weapons to history and urged nuclear-weapon States to lead the way in meeting their disarmament obligations. The use of nuclear weapons would result in a humanitarian catastrophe of immense proportions, echoing the message of the hibakusha, the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Earlier this month, Lostisland endorsed UNFold Zero’s Global Appeal “Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Protect People and the Planet” and the declaration “Nuclear Taboo: From Norm to Law” by NoFirstUse Global.
At the sidelines of the High-Level Plenary Meeting to Commemorate and Promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons; Lostisland called on world nations, nuclear-armed or not to engage in meaningful disarmament negotiations and take concrete steps towards disarmament. Lostisland was represented by the Honorary Consul to Nigeria, Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui.
“Nuclear weapons have long cast a shadow of fear and insecurity over our planet. They have the potential to cause untold human suffering and irreparable damage to our environment. It is our collective responsibility to work tirelessly towards their complete elimination. World Nations must honour and strengthen the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which represents a historic step towards a safer world. We call upon all nations, nuclear-armed or not, to engage in meaningful disarmament negotiations and concrete steps toward disarmament. The catastrophic consequences of any nuclear conflict are simply unacceptable, and the only true guarantee of world security lies in the total elimination of these weapons. Working together for a world where the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons becomes a celebration of a shared commitment to a more peaceful and secure planet for generations to come.“
In the ensuing discussion at the General Assembly, over 80 speakers presented various approaches to achieving a nuclear-weapon-free world. Many delegates advocated for the advancement of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and commitment to existing nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation efforts. Some expressed frustration over the slow pace of disarmament and raised concerns about ongoing nuclear modernization efforts, which are enhancing the speed, accuracy, and stealth of nuclear arsenals.
Dennis Francis, President of the General Assembly, emphasized that the risk of nuclear annihilation is a haunting reality in the present world. He stressed that the only way to avoid nuclear Armageddon is through the complete and absolute elimination of nuclear weapons.