Since her foundation in September 2010, Lostisland, first as Republic, then as Federal Republic, engaged into a number of international treaties and agreements, mostly on mutual recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations with other new nation projects (micronations).
While some of those documents indeed gave impetus to a mutually beneficial fruitful cooperation, practice showed that most of them were, basically, useless, as collaboration between Lostisland and our friends from around the globe is not dependent on treaties and agreements – at the very best, such documents serve to affirm the already existing amicable relationship. At worst, collaboration ends with the signing of the treaty.
Therefore, whereas treaties have proven themselves to be futile in the absolute majority of cases, the Federal Republic of Lostisland shall no longer accept new requests for diplomatic relations. Requests received prior to this date will be reviewed as usually by accredited Lostislandic institutions, and honored depending on the interests of the Federal Republic, in accordance with the existing foreign policy.
Exceptions from this practice can be made only by decision of the Federal President, and only for the physical signing of treaties either on real life meetings, either through the venues of postal communication.