Sadly, the mageifah (virus) is still among us and, following the rulings of many of the Gedolei Yisroel, we need to continue being vigilant and do everything in our power to stay safe and healthy.
According to the psak of Maran, Sar HaTorah, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”o, which quoted the Mishnah Bruroh, it is a duty of every Jew to wear a face mask, in times of a mageifah. As such, even in countries where health authorities don’t obligate the wearing of face masks, I encourage you to do so anyway. It is a Torah obligation to preserve and save lives, and this is one simple step of doing so.
May Hashem, as we listen to and heed the words of our Torah Sages, send us a quick end to this Mageifah and a refuah shleimoh to all the cholei Yisroel!
Brocho V’Hatzlocho,
Rabbi M. M. Linhart
Chief Rabbi of the Federal Republic of Lostisland