Following the first-ever recertification of the diplomatic service, announced earlier this month, President Yaroslav Mar signed a Decree dismissing the Ambassadors who failed to pass the recertification.
In particular, the following Ambassadors have been dismissed and no longer represent Lostisland in any official capacity:
- Hannes von Bald, former Ambassador to Austria
- William Henrique, former Ambassador to Brazil and Paraguay
- Kevin Buttow, former Ambassador to Brazil and Uruguay
- Juan José Gutierrez de Olivares, former Ambassador to Chile
- Alba Gabriela Santana Pereyra, former Ambassador to the Dominican Republic
- Giuseppe Sardo, former Ambassador to Italy
- Joseph Rankin, former Ambassador to Nigeria
The Ambassadors who did pass the recertification and remain in the Lostislandic diplomatic service are as following:
- Eduard Pagés Riberaygua, Ambassador to Andorra
- Ivan Buljević, Ambassador to Croatia
- Onkar Singh, Ambassador to India
- Rishabh Saxena, Ambassador to Malaysia
- Mart Ian Siapno, Ambassador to the Philippines
- Andrej Golubew, Ambassador to Russia
- Robert Meyer, Ambassador to the United States
The recertification of the diplomatic service was announced by President Yaroslav Mar 10 days ago and was aimed at cleaning the body of diplomats from inactive members. All the incumbent Ambassadors were requested to fill in the application used for recruiting new Ambassadors, to make sure they’re active and dedicated to Lostisland. Diplomats who failed to do so by September 20 were dismissed.
The President stressed that all the former Ambassadors will remain Lostislandic citizens (unless they choose to relinquish citizenship) and are free to return to the public service if and when they have sufficient time to exercise their duties and desire to do so.
The Ambassadors of Lostisland are the highest officials representing Lostisland in a particular country, responsible for speaking on behalf of the Lostislandic Government, coordinating the activities of resident Lostislandic citizens, and establishing a dialogue with local authorities and organizations. The Lostislandic diplomatic service was cut by half as a result of the recertification, and at present only seven Ambassadors remain. However, new appointments are expected to follow soon.
Lostislandic citizens who are over 18, hold a high school degree, are not members of other new nation projects (micronations) and have never relinquished Lostislandic citizenship in the past may request to be appointed Ambassadors by filling in the application form.